You may receive requests from Renters to try on your dresses, through our Private Messaging System. It is up to you, whether you are available to offer a try on.

Try On - In Person

The designerex™ platform is built to be on the go, therefore, if your Renter tries on the dress in person and then decides to proceed with the reservation afterwards, she is able to securely pay and book on the spot, by visiting your Custom URL

Try On - By Post

You may be asked by a Renter to post your dress to them, so they can try it on first. If you agree, please adhere to the steps below to ensure the Try On of your dress is completed with the upmost security in mind:

  • You both must agree to the Try On.
  • Ask the Renter to complete a booking to Rent Now as normal, for the date she would like to try it on.
  • Accept the booking as you would normally.
  • With a Try On, the Renter starts the booking by paying as normal, but then gets Refunded the Rental Fee, minus a $19.95 Service Fee and the Shipping cost that you have set.
  • The Renter may keep the dress for a maximum of 24 Hours only, otherwise the full Rental Fee will be charged.
  • You and the Renter are required to Contact designerex™ Support and advise that this booking is a Try On only. 
  • You, as Lender, will receive back the Shipping Amount as a Payout to You.

All dresses on Delivery and Return need a Tracking Number, to ensure scheduled dates are adhered to.

General Booking Tips

As always, after booking through designerex™ you are entitled to:

- Verify your ID and earn a badge on your public profile

- Receive a Review and Rating to advance your member reputation

- Track the details of your bookings on your own private dashboard

- Customer support from designerex™

We will be unable to assist you in any instance where the transaction has not been completed through designerex™.

Paying and communicating through the designerex™ platform is critical to keeping your experience secure and positive. 

If you are ever asked to complete any transaction offline, you should report it to