We've partnered with Uber! 

Are you a Lender? Increase your bookings and opt-in to start offering deliveries to Renters in under 2 hours with Uber.

Things to note:

  • Once Renters search for last-minute options, Your listings will show to those who are within 15kms of your pick-up location.
  • When you receive an Uber Booking Request, you have 1 hour to Accept or Decline the Request, otherwise the Booking Request will Expire.
  • Once you Accept the Booking Request, the Designerex platform will automatically assign an Uber Driver to collect the dress from your location. You will receive updates from Us with ETA details.

All your listings will be available to Renters between 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week.

Email our Customer Care team at info@designerex.com.au if you have any questions, or if you would like to Opt you in!